CRAZY TEACHER 的瘋狂英語教室: 美國人這樣說
第三十四課: shrink
喜歡看美國電影和影集的人大概會發現(有錢的)美國人休閒活動之一是去找 shrink, 跟 shrink 聊聊自己的感情問題, 工作問題, 吐吐苦水, 然後乖乖繳錢...這錢還真好賺! Shrink 倒底是誰哩?
shrink n.
Definition: slang term for a psychiatrist or psychotherapist 心理醫生(俚語)
James: You look like hell. Are you alright?
Cliff: No, I am not. My wife is divorcing me. My son is failing 8th grade. I get angry all the time and I can't focus on my job.
James: You don't have to deal with these all by yourself. Seeing a shrink might help. I can give you my shrink's phone number.
學起來了嗎? 這是目前最IN 的用法喔, 電影電視裡都會出現, 下次注意一下!
祝格友們新的一年事事順心, 不用去看 shrink! 希望我也不需要...