CRAZY TEACHER 的瘋狂英語教室: 美國人這樣說
第三十六課: Chick Flick
前一陣子忙著過年玩樂和抱怨天氣, 荒廢了瘋狂英語教室的主持工作, 在此一鞠躬!! 懇求學員原諒...
廢話不多說, 切入正題!
大部分的人知道 chick 是年輕女孩 (原指小雞), flick 是電影的意思, 那 chick+flick 是什麼?
chick flick
Definition: a movie which designed or considered to appeal mainly to women, and generally displaying more of a focus on romance or relationships. Many romantic comedies or films with a lots of female characters are likely to be put in this category. 以女性觀眾為訴求的電影, 內容通常以男女情愛和女性情誼為主
Peter: Where is your girl? 你女朋友哩?
Ron: She's watching a movie with her girlfriends. 她跟朋友在看電影。
Peter: You don't like movies? 你不喜歡看電影ㄛ?
Ron: I do, but I am not into chick flicks. They make me sleepy. 我喜歡啊, 但我不喜歡看女生看的電影, 讓我昏昏欲睡。
Peter: What are they watching? 他們在看啥?
Ron: Titanic. 鐵達尼號。
Peter: Ewww! 喔....
你有碰過類似的情形嗎? 想看某部電影但男/女朋友完全不感興趣
What is your favorite chick flick??
這些都是頗受女性歡迎的 Chick Flick 喔!