CRAZY TEACHER 的瘋狂英語教室: 美國人這樣說
第三十七課: Reality Check
每天賣命工作的你愛做白日夢嗎? 常夢想中樂透或成為大明星嗎? 那你需要一個 Reality Check!
Reality Check
Definition: an occasion that causes you to consider the facts about a situation 把人拉回現實的事物
Example 1 :
Gina: Did you get the job? 你得到那份工作了嗎?
Bonnie: No. They said I was too short to be a model. 沒有, 他們說我身高不夠當麻豆
Gina: That's too bad. You are such a beautiful girl. 太可惜了, 你這麼漂亮
Bonnie: This reality check made me realize modeling is just not for me. I should try something else. 這個殘酷的現實讓我領悟到我實在不適合走麻豆這行, 也許該試試其他的路
Example 2:
John: I hate this job so much. I want to quit. 我好討厭這工作, 真想辭職不幹
Zack: You need to take a reality check. Job market isn't very good now. Think about your wife and kids. 你該考慮一下現實吧! 現在工作難找, 你還有老婆孩子要養哩
John: I guess you are right, but my boss is driving me nuts. 你說的對, 可是我老闆快把我搞瘋了!
我以前一直是個無可救藥的浪漫主義者, 直到我見了瑪莎的離婚律師......