LESSON 176 第一百七十六課
greasy spoon
greasy spoon
Definition: a small, cheap eatery – typically specializing in fried foods and/or home-cooked meals 便宜簡陋的小吃店, 餐點以油膩的家常食物為主
Example 1: Let's have breakfast at the grease spoon around the corner. 我們去街角的小吃店吃早餐吧!
Example 2: My favorite greasy spoon has been run by the same woman for three decades. 我最愛的小吃店已經由同一個女老闆經營三十年了。
Spoon 是湯匙, greasy spoon 就是一隻油膩的湯匙, 變成小吃店的代名詞挺有意思。
Greasy spoon 的菜餚簡單, 多以煎炸為主, 高熱量高鹽分糖分, 絕對不健康, 但大多數人會覺得好吃。
Greasy spoon 不會有白色桌巾, 不會有華麗或新潮裝潢。漂漂亮亮的餐廳就不會是 greasy spoon。
Where is your favorite greasy spoon?