LESSON 222 第二百二十二課
to color outside the lines
to color outside the line
Definition: to think or act in a way that is unconventional or different from the expected norm; to not follow the rules, to think creatively 不墨守成規, 不遵循傳統規範, 勇於打破規則, 用創造力思考
Example 1: Jonathan is one of those people who color outside the lines. He always comes up with new ideas. Jonathan 是那種喜歡打破規則的人, 所以他總是有新點子。
Example 2: Linda's clients don't always understand her designs because she likes to color outside the lines. Linda 的客戶經常不懂她的設計, 因為她喜歡挑戰制式觀念。
Color 在這裡是動詞, 著色的意思。大家小時候一定都有著色本, 讓你拿色筆為圖形上色。
To color outside the lines 字面上的意思是: 塗色的時候不好好塗在線內, 愛塗到線外。衍生出來的意思, 就是打破限制。是不是很好理解呢?
一般來說, 不遵守規則, 不走在線內, 是不好的行為。但是 coloring outside the lines 卻是很正面的意思, 跟 thinking outside the box 有相同涵義。