LESSON 223 第二百二十三課
to open a can of worms
to open a can of worms
Definition: to create a situation that causes more problems 讓問題更棘手, 讓情況變得難以收拾
Example 1: Asking him about his past relationships was like opening a can of worms. 問他關於他之前的戀情像是在自找麻煩。
Example 2: Erik is reluctant to discuss his dissertation because he's afraid of opening a can of worms. Erik 很不願意討論他的博士論文, 因為他怕會衍伸出更多難題。
Worm 是甚麼? 是蟲子, 而且是那種會蠕動蟲, 很噁心那種。
如果你打開一個罐子, 卻跑出來一堆可怕的蟲到處亂爬, 是不是會很難以收拾。
所以, 打開一罐蟲用來比喻一個讓情況失控的動作, 是不是很傳神呢?