LESSON 221 第二百二十一課
to put one's foot in one's mouth
to put one's foot in one's mouth
Definiton: to say something embarrasing or inappropriate by accident 不小心說了很尷尬或很不得體的話, 不小心說了很不該說的話
Example 1: Diane tried to say something positive, but she ended up putting her foot in her mouth. 黛安試著說些正面的話, 結果適得其反講了讓人不舒服的話。
Example 2: When I asked Gary how his wife was, I really put my foot in my mouth. I totally forgot that she divorced him last year. 當我問蓋瑞他老婆是否還好的時候, 實在很不得體。完全忘記蓋瑞去年被老婆休掉。
To put foot in one's mouth 從字面上看超好懂, 就是把腳放到嘴裡。
通常是指不小心的情況下意外講出來, 而不是故意嘴賤。基本上就是不用大腦發言。
所以開口前最好先深思熟慮, 尤其重要場合。