LESSON 220 第二百二十課
the cherry on top
the cherry on top
Definition: Something that makes something that is already good even better 錦上添花; 讓原本就美好的事物變更棒
Example 1: The jacuzzi is not the reason we bought the house, but it's the cherry on top. 按摩浴缸不是我們買這間房的原因, 但它的確讓房子加分。
Example 2: A Grammy award would be the cherry on top for her very successful singing career. 葛萊美獎能讓她已經成功的歌唱事業更臻完美。
大部分的人都愛吃點心, 像是蛋糕和冰淇淋。
多數人也愛櫻桃, 因為櫻桃可愛又好吃, 非常討喜。在你喜歡的甜點上面加櫻桃, 是不是讓甜點更完美了?
於是, the cherry on top (放在上面的櫻桃) 就用來比喻那些能夠錦上添花的事物。