LESSON 209 第二百零九課

pull a rabbit out of the hat

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pull a rabbit out of the hat


Definiton: to do something unexpected or surprising; to find a sudden solution to a problem 做出一件沒人預料到的事情; 突然找出一個解決難題的方法


Example 1: The home team was about to lose, but they pulled a rabbit out of the hat at the last minute and won the game. 地主隊原本要輸了, 卻在最後一刻神乎其技, 贏得了比賽。


Example 2: Unless we can pull a rabbit out of the hat, we won't have enough votes to pass the bill. 除非我們能出其不意 , 否則不會有足夠票數通過表決案。



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To pull a rabbit out of the hat 直譯就是從帽子裡拉出一隻兔子!


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Pulling a rabbit out of the hat 基本上是魔術師常耍的戲法。一般來說, 你不會覺得帽子裡能塞動物, 當魔術師從空空的禮帽拉出兔子, 觀眾無不嘖嘖稱奇大聲叫好。



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於是, 從帽子裡拉出一隻兔子用來比喻憑空出現, 讓人拍案叫絕的辦事手法。是不是很有趣又貼切呢?



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