LESSON 206 第二百零六課
today years old
Today years old
Definiton: One's current age to the day, which implies that the person just comprehended something at the moment 我到今天才知道, 我到今天才恍然大悟
Example 1: I was today years old when I learned that snails had the most teeth of any animal in the world. 我今天才知道蝸牛比世界上任何動物的牙齒都多。
Example 2: I was today years old when I realized that KFC and Pizza Hut were owned by the same company. 我今天才知道肯德基和必勝客是屬於同一家公司。
大家國中時一定都學過歲數的說法, 像是 nine years old (九歲), eighteen years old (十八歲)。Today years old 是不到一天大, 剛剛出生, 意思有點像是之前都白活了, 今天(因為發現某個新大陸) 才有出生到這個世界之感。
網路上常常看到有人說 I was today years old, 但他們發現的事情其實也沒啥大不了, 只是他們剛好不知道。例如美國這款派對裡常見的紅色塑膠杯, 上面的線條居然是衡量刻度。
這個人說我今天才知道加州的人口比整個加拿大還多。這是常識好嗎? 一副發現新大陸的樣子蠻可笑的。
因為社群媒體的推波助瀾, I was today years old 的用法突然爆紅。