LESSON 183 第一百八十三課
have/get one's shit together
get/have one's shit together
Definiton: to get oneself mentally organized; to be effeictive and organized 心態成熟穩定, 能夠應付生活課題, 達成目標
Example 1: My cousin was kicked out of college three times. But he got his shit together and became a well-known scientist. 我表哥被大學退學三次。但是他調整生活重心, 成為一位知名科學家。
Example 2: Eric is a nice guy, but I can't date him. He doesn't really have his shit together. 艾瑞克是個好人, 但我沒辦法跟他約會。他的生活一團亂。
阿甘已經介紹過好幾個口語用法裡面有 "shit" 這個字。Shit 雖然又髒又臭, 但真是好用!
不少女生喜歡有點壞壞的男人, 但比壞男人更性感的是成熟穩重有成就的男人。
如果你的生活步調很亂, 心中雜念超多, 無法好好工作好好念書, 該怎樣把你的便便處理好呢? 這個建議不錯: S-self care (自我關懷, 愛自己); H-happiness (找到快樂); I-inner peace (內心平靜); T-time (給自己時間)
這個圖案也太可愛, 把便便處理好, 或許就不臭不髒了呢!
假使你的家人, 朋友, 同學生活毫無目標或重心, 得過且過, 甚至要旁人去收拾善後, 不妨大聲跟他/她說: Get your shit together!