CRAZY TEACHER 的瘋狂英語教室: 美國人這樣說

第三十課:  guilty pleasure

蛋糕是造成肥胖的凶手之一, 你卻難以拒絕它的誘惑; 買一堆不必要的衣服鞋子總讓你荷包大失血, 每每試穿之後又無法自拔而多買一雙讓自己美美的鞋子, 這種明知不該做的事卻又樂在其中, 英文叫做 guilty pleasure.

guilty pleasure   n.

Definition:  Something you shouldn't like, but like anyway.  You know it's wrong, but it feels so right.


Sandra: What are you doing tonight? Wanna go to the gym?

Liz:          No, I can't.  "XX霹靂火" is on tonight.  I will have to watch it.

Sandra:  What?  You gotta be kidding me.  It's such a cheesy show. 

Liz:           I know, but it's just so much fun to watch it.  It's my guilty pleasure.


了解了嗎? What is YOUR guilty pleasure??


吃垃圾食物也算guilty pleasure

明知吃了會發胖, 但抵擋不了誘惑... Guilty Pleasure~

What is your guilty pleasure???


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