LESSON 203 第二百零三課
go south
Go south
Definition: to deteriorate or decline; to take a turn for the worse 變糟, 惡化
Example 1: Their relationship went south quickly after Jacob became addicted to gambling. 雅各賭博成癮後, 他們的關係迅速惡化。
Example 2: The economy is going south. Many people won't be able to make their mortgage payments. 經濟正走向衰退, 很多人會付不出房貸。
Go south 從字面看就是往南邊去的意思。
但是當你聽到有人說 go/went/gone south, 不是在說去南方喔!
Go south 用來形容事物變壞變爛, 不是拿來形容人或動物。很好用吧? 記住了嗎?