LESSON 190 第一百九十課
food for thought
food for thought
Definiton: something that should be thought about or considered carefully 值得認真思考的事情
Example 1: Barry's argument provided me with some interesting food for thought. 貝瑞的論點給我了一些有趣的思考方向。
Example 2: Thanks for your feedback. It gave us a lot of food for thought. 謝謝你的意見回饋, 給我們很多思考機會。
Example 3: You could make a lot more money if you became licensed......just some food for thought. 如果你拿到執照, 可以賺更多錢..... 值得你好好思考。
看到 food 這個字, 一定馬上想到食物。
不過, 在這裡 food 意指值得深思的事物。
有可能是一本書, 一段對話, 一場電影, 一段巧遇給了你 food for thought。
When was the last time you had some food for thought?