LESSON 187 第一百八十七課
wear one's heart on one's sleeve
wear one's heart on one's sleeve
Definiton: to openly display or make known one's emotions or sentiments 把心穿在袖子上, 意指將個人感覺與情緒顯露於外, 不刻意隱藏。
Example 1: Matthew wore his heart on his sleeve. Everyone could see how much he loved his new job. 馬修喜形於色, 每個人都看得出來他多喜愛新工作。
Example 2: Edith used to wear her heart on her sleeve, but she went into a shell after that painful breakup. 伊迪絲以前很大方地展現喜怒哀樂, 但自從痛苦分手後, 她封閉了自己。
"把心穿在袖子上" 是蠻常用到的口語表達。
"把心穿在袖子上" 是好還是不好? 好處是讓人覺得你不做作, 很真誠, 不用懷疑你是否心口不一。當然也會有缺點, 例如讓人看到你脆弱的一面。
基本上還是看個性吧, 不是嗎? 很多事情強求不來的。
Do you wear your heart on your sleeve?