LESSON 167 第一百六十七
staycation n.
Definition: a vacation spent in one's home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions. 不出國的假期, 或是在自家附近旅遊休閒的假期
Example 1: During our staycation, we visited five museums in the city. 在我們的宅度假期間, 去拜訪了五間博物館。
Example 2: People have no choice but to take a staycation this year since air travel is restricted during the pandemic. 航空旅行因為疫情受到限制, 今年人們不得不選擇宅度假。
大家一定馬上看出來, staycation 是 stay 和 vacation 兩個字的合體。
越來越多台灣人每年至少出國旅遊一兩次, 今年因為肺炎疫情, 大家只能島內旅遊或在家附近玩一玩, 標準的 staycation。當然還有其他因素讓人們選擇 staycation, 像是預算多少, 時間多寡, 是否有伴等等。
只要用心規劃, 善用想像力和創造力, staycation 也可以很有趣, 同時增進家人情感。
How would you spend your time on a staycation?