LESSON 150 第一百五十課
sorry, not sorry
sorry, not sorry
Definition: used to sarcastically express a lack of guilt over an action or statement; a sarcastic way of acknowledging that someone might not like whatever you're saying or doing ... but you don't really care. 對於不討喜或不得體的言行毫不在乎
Example 1: I think your boyfriend is a jerk. Sorry, not sorry. 我覺得你男友是個混蛋。別期望我道歉, 因為我一點也不覺得超過。
Example 2: I am happy to hear that Joan is unemployed. Sorry, not sorry. 我很高興聽到 Joan 失業中。別期望我道歉, 因為我一點也不覺得狠心。
Sorry 這個字大家都學過, 也都知道該怎麼用。Sorry, not sorry 到底是要表達甚麼呢?
表達的是一種不滿, 一種厭惡
先講些負面的東西, 然後表達自己是真心想說那些話。絕對不是不小心說溜嘴。Sorry, not sorry 就是一點都不 sorry 的意思啦!
Donald Trump is human garbage. Sorry, not sorry.