CRAZY TEACHER 的瘋狂英語教室: 美國人這樣說
第二十五課: hickey
脖子上被種草莓雖然是愛的表現, 但總會引起旁人注目甚至引發閒言閒語, 這時該怎麼辦才好? 有什麼辦法可以讓它消失?
hickey n.
Definition: a temporary mark or bruise on one's skin resulting from kissing; a love bite 吻痕; 種草莓
Liz: What is that on your neck? Is it a hickey from David? 你脖子上那是什麼?David 的種的草莓嗎?
Joyce:'s from a guy I met at the bar last night. I need to find a way to hide it. I can't let David see it. 不, 是我昨晚在夜店認識的一個男人, 我得把它遮住, 不能讓David 看到....
Liz: You slut! 你這個淫蟲
What should I do when I have a hickey? 博子上有吻痕要怎沒跟外人解釋哩?
A hickey is a bruise. It doesn't disappear right away. It takes a few days to fade away naturally. So there's not much you can do. Wear a scarf or turtleneck. Or stay home!
吻痕其實是瘀血, 不可能很快消失, 所以你也無能為力, 只能等個幾天等它消失....建議呆在家裡吧! 別到處亂跑~