LESSON 218 第二百一十八課
shoot oneself in the foot
shoot oneself in the foot
Definiton: to make a situation worse for oneself; to harm one's own cause 讓自己的情況變糟; 傷害自身利益
Example 1: I think you might be shooting yourself in the foot if you don't take her offer. 我覺得你要是不接受她的出價, 可能會讓自己陷於不利。
Example 2: Unless Tom shoots himself in the foot, he will definitely win the eleciton. 除非湯姆做出甚麼不利自己的事情, 他一定會穩贏選舉。
Shoot oneself in the foot 從字面上來看, 就是朝自己的腳開一槍。
當你把自己變成跛腳, 讓自己陷入一個不利的局面, 前景當然就變得很不樂觀。
是不是一個生動又好記的用法呢? 跟中文說法「搬石頭砸自己的腳」頗有異曲同工之妙!