LESSON 217 第二百一十七課
can't have one's cake and eat it
can't have one's cake and eat it (too)
Definiton: You can't have it both ways; you can't have the best of both worlds 你不能兩個都有; 魚與熊掌不可兼得
Example 1: You can't have your cake and eat it, too. It's impossible to live in the city and reside at a hosue with a big yard. 魚與熊掌無法兼得, 你不可能住在市區卻住在一棟有大院子的房屋。
Example 2: Jake plans to get a graduate degree in one year while working full-time. Soon he will learn that he can't have his cake and eat it. Jake 想要在一年內拿到研究所學位, 同時全職工作。很快他就會學到魚與熊掌不能兼得。
這個用法乍看之下有點無厘頭, 有點難懂。但如果你把句子順序顛倒, 就突然很容易理解了。
顛倒過來是這樣子: can't eat the cake and have it, 意思是蛋糕吃掉就沒了, 你不可能吃掉蛋糕又同時擁有它。
用蛋糕來比喻, 讓人越看越想去買蛋糕吃。