CRAZY TEACHER 的瘋狂英語教室: 美國人這樣說
第四十六課: pick-up line
當碰到心儀的對象, 要怎麼開口認識對方才不會被拒絕或不會被拒絕的太難堪哩? 這是一個讓很多人心煩的問題! 也是一門不小的學問呢!
pick-up line
Definition: a brief line used to pick up another person for sex, romance, or dating; used to initiate a conversation (an opener) 用來釣人的開場白, 通常是短短的一句話, 希望能引起對方的興趣
In a party.......派對裡
Man: Excuse me, do you have your phone number? I seem to have lost mine. 不好意思, 我搞丟了我的電話號碼, 能告訴我你的號碼嗎?
Woman: I'd probably give you my number if you had a more creative pick-up line. 你要是有創意一點, 或許我會考慮
In a bar......酒吧裡
Man: Excuse me, haven't we met before? 對不起, 我們認識嗎?
Woman: It's the worst pick-up line ever. 這真是我聽過最爛的搭訕方法
為什麼叫做pick-up line 呢? 因為pick up 就是撘訕的意思, line 則是指台詞或一句話
網路上有很多很妙的pick-up lines, 舉幾個例子
Are you taking any applications for a boyfriend/girlfriend? 你接受我申請當你的男女朋友嗎?
If I can rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together. 如果我能重組字母順序, 我要把你(U)和我(I) 擺在一起
You are like a dictionary. You add meaning to my life! 你像本字典, 為我的生命注入新的意義
I hope you know CPR because you are taking my breath away. 希望你會CPR, 因為妳快讓我窒息了
當然也有人覺得講這些太做作, 太麻煩了, 一句"What's your name?" 不是最簡單有效嗎? 你覺得呢 你有被搭訕的好(壞)經驗嗎? 有聽過什麼有創意的中文pick-up lines 嗎?