CRAZY TEACHER 的瘋狂英語教室: 美國人這樣說
第七十一課: diva
不管國內國外, 現在都很流行叫歌星天后(diva), 連一些歌藝平平高不成低不就的歌手都被叫做天后實在蠻離譜....
不過當天后這個詞剛流行的時候, 被冠上天后的歌手真的都很有實力又廣受歡迎~
Celine Dion 歌喉不是蓋的
Whitney Houston... 墮落前是天后, 嫁給 Bobby Brown 又搞毒品後事業一落千丈, 但是大家仍記得她以前的好歌聲
Madonna 阿甘從國中以來的最愛, 當然是最有資格當天后的人囉
如果你被叫做DIVA, 表示你跟那些天后一樣歌藝好又受歡迎嗎?? 那可不見得喔.....別高興大早 近來 diva 已經演變成一個反諷的字。
diva n.
A woman that must have her way; often rude and belittles people. She is arrogant, difficult to work with or demanding. 難搞的女人, 自以為是, 以天后/太后/女王自居, 覺得每個人都該聽她的, 愛耍大牌。
Example 1
In the office......
Don : Who does she think she is? She's just a secretary! 她以為自己是誰啊? 不過是個秘書。
Janice: Don't you know she is the diva here? She thinks everyone is beneath her. 你難道不知她是這裡的太后? 每個人都比她低賤。
Example 2
James: Why is that everyone tells me he's busy when I want to hang out ? 我找人出來玩的時候為什麼每個人都推說很忙?
Bob: Because of your girlfriend! 因為你的女朋友啊!
James: What? 什麼?
Bob: Reina is a diva who is full of herself. She talks and acts like she's all that. Very annoying! Reina 很自以為是, 講話和動作都耍大牌, 討人厭呀!
所以大家要小心囉, 不要太喜歡耍大牌耍脾氣, 被冠上天后的封號啊~~
不過我們的生活裡真的各處充滿了自以為是又白目的 diva, 讓人閃避都來不及......