LESSON 201 第二百零一課
That ship has sailed
That ship has sailed
Definition: an opportunity that has passed or a situation that can no longer be changed 那艘船開走了; 意即為時已晚, 機會不再。
Example 1: Ted asked Zoe to marry him, but she said that ship had sailed. She met someone else. Ted 向 Zoe 求婚。Zoe 說太遲了, 她已經遇到另一個男人。
Example 2: I have thought getting a PhD, but I think that ship has sailed. 我一直想拿個博士學位, 但我覺得時機已經遠離。
當你站在岸邊看著想搭的船已經開走, 逐漸遠離, 表示你無法前往目的地了, 心中感覺一定很難過。
That ship has sailed 拿來比喻失去的機會, 非常傳神又好記。
心動不如馬上行動, 別讓你的船開走囉!