CRAZY TEACHER 的瘋狂英語教室: 美國人這樣說


第二十課:   friends with benefits


What types of friends do you have?  Boy/girlfriend? Ex-boy/girlfriend?  New friends?  Old friends?


Some people have 'friends with benefits'.  Do you know what kind of benefits they offer?


妳有甚麼樣的朋友? 男女朋友?  前任男女朋友, 新朋友, 舊朋友....你有沒有 friend with benefit 呢? 這種朋友倒底能給你甚麼樣的好處 (benefit)?


friends with benefits  n.


Definition: Two friends who have a sexual relationship without being emotionally involved






Maria: Hey, who's that hot guy? Are you seeing him?  那帥哥是誰? 妳們在交往嗎?


Jessie: His name is Dale. We are not dating. He's just a friend with benefits.  他名叫 Dale, 我們沒在約會, 砲友而已啦...


By the way...


你已可以用 fuck buddy 來稱呼砲友喔, 不過 friend with benefit 文雅多啦!!







你敢穿這樣的衣服上街嗎? 在台灣看的懂得人大概不多


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